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We Believe

We believe Jesus left us with the command to go and make disciples.

Our Vision

Our vision is to fulfill Christ’s mandate for believers to create disciples in His name. We fulfill this mandate by enlisting older, wiser, Christ-followers (mentors) to focus on intentional mentoring relationships with younger women (mentees) that challenge, inspire, and encourage them in their walk with the Lord and in the many different roles they have, and to be influencers in their home, work, churches, and communities for Christ.

Core Values


Our entire program is based on biblical principles.


We believe that mentoring in groups is a process that leads to life transformation.


We believe in purposeful work with the intention of strengthening believers. We are investing in strengthening the kingdom of God.


We are here to follow Christ’s commandments. Our ultimate goal has nothing to do with our success, but everything to do with strengthening His kingdom through the lives of transformed women.

Titus2 Mentoring Women is a program built on the mentoring style displayed by Jesus Christ for His disciples. He mentored in small groups, He chose the men He would mentor, and He taught them on His timetable with the lessons He knew they needed to hear. After equipping them, He commanded them to impact the world with His teachings. This challenging, yet encouraging approach, mirrors the perfect execution Jesus used of bringing the hard truth, while balancing it with grace.

As with Jesus’ ministry, choosing to be a part of Broken to Reign Mentoring Women requires a serious commitment of time, energy, and accountability. Not everyone was invited to become one of the twelve disciples and not everyone can make the kind of commitment required to participate in Broken to Reign; but if they do, they will never be the same!

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